Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

Global Relay for Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals

Ensure complete compliance for your healthcare and pharmaceutical organization with integrated recordkeeping and surveillance solutions and fast, accurate eDiscovery – no matter the data volume.

Manage your data, identify misconduct, and mitigate risk with Global Relay

Government agencies such as the Department of Justice (DOJ), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are turning their attention to the risks that unmonitored communications data can pose to healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations.

From insider trading and off-label marketing to data recording, retention, and operational resilience, there is increasing pressure to manage the risks that exist within your organization’s communications data.
With over 25 years of experience in recordkeeping and risk mitigation for the most highly regulated industries, Global Relay understands the risks posed to your organization and has the tools you need to manage them.

Meet data retention and preservation requirements

Global Relay enables healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations like yours to directly capture your business communications data from all channels and connect it to a secure, compliant archive. This enables your business to meet the more stringent “preservation responsibilities” outlined in the DoJ’s ECCP, while avoiding costly fines and the associated reputational damage.

Boost efficiency and resilience with comprehensive data governance

In the event of an investigation, unstructured or unclear data can lead to critical time loss as teams struggle to piece together coherent audit trails. Global Relay structures, transforms, and stores your communications data in one central, consolidated location, allowing for efficient audit and search to reduce the risk of your data being lost.

Find the data you need, when you need it most

Global Relay enriches and organizes unstructured data in one scalable cloud data store. Thanks to powerful, AI-enabled tools, your communications data is instantly accessible in the event of an investigation. When it comes to litigation, you can ensure that you’re able to find and present accurate and complete data to investigatory bodies – and fast.

Detect bad conduct, insider trading, and emerging risk

Global Relay allows organizations to monitor the business communications of their employees, sales teams, and high-risk individuals – across every channel. With an advanced suite of communications monitoring features, businesses are proactively alerted in the event of potential misconduct and can take action before misconduct becomes a criminal matter.

Remain compliant, informed, and in control of all your business communications data with our powerful, trusted archive.


The healthcare and pharmaceutical sector is facing unprecedented challenges due to evolving guidance from the likes of the DOJ’s ECCP. Understanding these risks and rules – including how they impact your clients and the solutions that can mitigate them – is integral to establishing effective partnerships. We’ll keep you in the loop with the latest industry news and trends with thought leadership content from healthcare and pharmaceutical experts.

Why Global Relay for Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals?

With government agencies scrutinizing the risks posed by communications data, it’s crucial to understand how to leverage the right solutions to communicate compliantly and meet regulatory expectations relating to recordkeeping and data preservation.

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Managing the risks of ephemeral messaging to meet DOJ guidance

With the ECCP setting out guidelines for retaining data from personal devices and the risks of ephemeral messaging, healthcare and pharmaceutical organizations must implement effective recordkeeping and surveillance solutions.

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6 tips to enhance eDiscovery practices for healthcare

eDiscovery is a complex, yet necessary, aspect of litigation and investigation, especially as the volume of digital data continues to grow. Optimize your eDiscovery processes and facilitate the best possible outcome for your organization with these six simple tips.

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