Global Relay Resource Hub

All the latest news, insights, and publications from Global Relay.


The Conduct Chronicles – Conduct and Culture: Insights from the US Record Keeping fines

Culture is determined by more than just 'tone from the top', it requires ongoing effort and investment. Firms should also look to celebrate good behavior, and ensure incidents of bad behavior are being escalated.


Culture clash – How can firms ensure they’re addressing non-financial misconduct risk?

Rob Mason, Director, Regulatory Intelligence explores the FCA’s recent prioritization of non-financial misconduct and its impacts on culture, and the steps firms can take to address conduct risks.


Game over – Controversial “name and shame” proposals axed by FCA

The U.K. financial regulator has confirmed that it won’t move forward with a policy planned to name firms under investigation following substantial criticism from industry and government figures.



Head to the cloud – 6 simple steps for migrating healthcare data to the cloud

Migrating healthcare data to the cloud comes with multiple benefits for businesses, from cost reduction to increased data availability. Streamline your data migration with these six simple steps.


Managing the compliance risks of ephemeral messaging to meet DOJ guidance in healthcare and pharmaceuticals

Healthcare organizations and the pharmaceutical industry must look to implement solutions to ephemeral messaging in their compliance strategies.


The Compliance Hub

White Compliance Hub Rules and Regulations text on black background

Rules & Regulations

Financial institutions are required to meet a plethora of regulations and rules to ensure overarching compliance.

White Compliance Hub Glossary text on black background


Understanding the constantly evolving financial compliance space can be a challenge – especially with new terminology being introduced alongside every new rule and regulation.

White Compliance Hub Compliance Insights text on black background

Compliance Insights

Understanding the constantly evolving financial compliance space can be a challenge – especially with new terminology being introduced alongside every new rule and regulation.

Broker Dealer Collection

Culture clash – How can firms ensure they’re addressing non-financial misconduct risk?

Rob Mason, Director, Regulatory Intelligence explores the FCA’s recent prioritization of non-financial misconduct and its impacts on culture, and the steps firms can take to address conduct risks.


Regulatory Wrap episode 54: What’s going on with the FCA?

In Regulatory Wrap for the week to March 7, Rob Mason discusses why the FCA has been the subject of scrutiny since the beginning of 2025.
