
The clock is TikToking, will firms get the message on off-channel comms?

Firms must look to implement technology to mitigate against risks presented by the proliferation of social media use in a business context. As platforms such as TikTok begin to dominate the media landscape, firms must look to revaluate their compliance infrastructures.

The Conduct Chronicles – “Social Media. Who is really following us?”

Emma Parry discusses the emergence of social media and the risks that come with it. As a result firms are cracking down on monitoring their employees and screening their backgrounds, however, they must ensure they are being transparent in their pursuit.

Bad finfluence – Is influencer marketing worth the risks?

With the FCA having announced court dates for a case against nine social media influencers involved in non-compliant financial promotions, do the benefits outweigh the risks for ‘finfluencer’ marketing?