Transparency continued – The SEC clarifies its examination selection process for broker-dealers
The SEC’s Division of Examinations released a Risk Alert defining the elements it weighs when selecting broker-dealers as examination candidates, illuminating how firms can prepare and refine their compliance efforts.
Social surveillance: The importance of comms capture for social media compliance
In addition to capturing communications channels like email, IM, and SMS, compliance teams must realize the importance of capturing data from social media platforms. To effectively manage widely used applications, firms should consider social surveillance and strategies to curb risks.
Five developments to show why operational resilience should be on your radar
Operational resilience is an essential practice to remain protected in a landscape of intensifying cyber threats. Regulators have taken steps to demonstrate their increasing focus on this matter by implementing guidelines, frameworks, and direction to preserve security.
How are financial regulators approaching AI integration?
Regulators globally have been implementing a variety of measures to manage the utilization of AI within the financial sector. We take a look at the key approaches so far.
Capture if you can webinar: Your questions answered
Industry experts answer compliance questions posed by the audience in our ‘Capture if you can’ webinar.
The SEC sweeps, the SEC scores – five further firms fined under Marketing Rule
The SEC has fined five registered investment advisers for hypothetical performance advertising, hindering their consumers’ ability to make an informed judgment around financial decisions. Now, the regulator is spelling the dos and don’ts of the Marketing Rule.
Remediate, recordkeep, rinse, repeat – SEC sets out decision making process behind recordkeeping fines
The SEC sets out the rationale behind its recordkeeping enforcements, increasing its transparency and pushing for greater accountability across the industry.
On the books – FINRA fine proves marketing comms can be a recordkeeping risk
A recent fine issued by FINRA for a firm’s failure to preserve marketing communications has added yet more fuel to the current regulatory focus on marketing, recordkeeping, and social media.
Regulatory Wrap Episode #22: Social Media & Fraudulent CEOs
In Regulatory Wrap for the week to March 8, Jennie Clarke asks a timely question: are you managing the risks social media poses to compliance?
Regulatory Wrap Episode #21: Addressing the FCA’s Strategy
In Regulatory Wrap for the week to March 1, Rob Mason discusses the FCA’s mission to pursue and prevent non-financial misconduct as well as insider dealing cases.
Regulatory Wrap Episode #20: Analyzing FCA’s Market Watch 76
In Regulatory Wrap for the week to February 23, Rob Mason breaks down the FCA's Market Watch 76, which covers "flying" and "printing" as continuing risks in the industry.