Competition and Markets Authority

By unlawfully exchanging competitively sensitive information rather than fully competing, the banks involved in these arrangements could have denied the full benefits of competition to those they traded.

Eren Erman, Global Head of Compliance Technology, TP ICAP

It’s a matter of time until the FCA fines someone for using off-channel comms. Given some of the recent FCA fines in the AML and Trade Surveillance space, I think we can expect similar fines in the comms and record keeping space in the near future, although I don’t see fines being as large as… Continue reading Eren Erman, Global Head of Compliance Technology, TP ICAP

Gartner MQ

The rapid adoption and growth of digital communication tools and application data requires a reassessment of corporate and regulatory compliance capabilities. I&O leaders should use this research to evaluate enterprise information archiving vendors and their ability to address these requirements.

Webinar Attendee

The combination of participants allowed us to get a clearer picture of the overall situation and what challenges exist to tackle.

Guy Spier, CEO

I’ve been using Global Relay for more than 10 years, and it is not just a compliance and archiving solution. It has provided me with a competitive edge – because I was armed with better, more reliable information than my competitors.

Warren Roy, Chief Executive

We leveraged evaporative cooling for our new facility, a design strategy that would cut our energy usage by half.”

John Rodriguez

My team are always finding new platforms but Global Relay’s connectors allow me to capture that data, wherever they communicate.

Sandy Dershem, Vega Chief Compliance Officer

We feel more confident in our email review compliance procedures and the process is definitely easier and less time consuming.