In our five-part podcast series in partnership with the Compliance Podcast Network, we explore messaging compliance in a shifting regulatory landscape.
Episode 2: Is Business Innovation Being Stifled by Regulatory Action?
In part two of this five-part series, Alex Viall explores the intersection of regulation and innovation as firms grapple with the increasing regulatory scrutiny of eCommunications and recordkeeping, as users continue to adopt popular messaging apps like WhatsApp. and other emerging channels.
Discover how the evolution of technology is causing a generational shift in business communication, and why banning communication isn’t necessarily the answer to managing risk and ensuring regulatory compliance.
In this episode: Alex Viall

Alex Viall is Director, Regulatory Intelligence at Global Relay. He is a seasoned regulatory expert, responsivle for developing and maintining relationships with regulators and monitoring compliance best practice. He has previously worked as a supervisor for the FCA, as well as a director and co-founded of Complinet and Head of Regulatory Intelligence for Behavox.
Listen now
Listen to Part 2 – Is Business Innovation Being Stifled by Regulatory Action? now, as well as the rest of the series, including episodes covering the challenge of managing off-channel communications, the importance of operational risk management, the evolution of surveillance practices, and how organizations find the right device and compliance policy for their needs.