1. This year, we’ve seen both organizations and individuals being reprimanded for lacking data completeness
2. In March, the SEC issued a $350 million fine against JP Morgan Chase for trade surveillance gaps
3. In July, the Federal Reserve Board and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued a $136 fine against Citigroup for “insufficient progress” in rectify data management issues
4. This week, Citigroup COO Anand Selva was discharged from managing a data overhaul project, and concurrently, a former Swedbank CEO was sentenced to prison for anti-money laundering
5. The concentration on c-suite roles highlights the importance of culture, especially considering regulators emphasis on fostering “tone from the top” in response to senior staff members’ involvement in nearly all off-channel communications fines
This episode is brought to you by our Senior Content Writer, Jay Hampshire.